Friday, March 1, 2013

How To Play Dota 2 Offline

What are you going to do if you want to play Dota 2 but you do not have internet connection. I will show you how to play Dota 2 offline. So what do you need for it? Of course steam account and Dota 2. I suggest you to update Dota 2 to the latest version because steam won't run in offline mode if your Dota 2 need to update.

First of all start Steam on offline mode. Choose menu Steam on the top left, and then choose Go Offline. 

How to play Dota 2 Offline - Steam Go Offline
Next you need to open launch options on Dota 2. Right click on Dota 2, choose properties.

How to play Dota 2 Offline - Dota 2 Properties
Choose set launch options and then enter this commands:
-console (adds console)
-novid (no intro, bold guy from valve)
-nod3d9ex (*optional. game will run at directx9, ignore this if you run Dota 2 on Windows 7)

How to play Dota 2 Offline - Set Launch Options
And then launch Dota 2 game by press the button play as usual. Console will automatically appears after the loading screen. If it did not appear then open it using the "~" button.

In the console type this following commands in order:
sv_cheats 1
sv_lan 1
dota_start_ai_match 1
dota_bot_set_difficulty 0/1/2/3 (Type only one value)
dota_bot_practice_difficulty 0/1/2/3 (Type only one value)
map dota

How to play Dota 2 Offline - Console Commands
Just wait until heroes selection appears and now you can play Dota 2 offline versus Bot.

You can also load the diretide/tutorial/winter/autumn maps, they will appear in a dropdown menu after you type "map dota" or if you want, you can choose your team just type "jointeam good/bad" (only one)

Enjoy your Dota 2 against Bot in Offline mode!

Some notes:
- Just press "Esc" when "connecting to dota 2 networks" appear.
- Press button (~) or (\) to open console
- Bots difficulty:
   0 - Passive
   1 - Easy
   2 - Medium
   3 - Hard
   4 - Unfair


  1. We are 5 players and want to play 3 on 3 match. Could you please tell me how can I add single bot in my own team or opposite team?

  2. After "map dota" I always end up in radiant, when I should write the "jointeam good/bad" ?

  3. Sometimes , we tend to be pessimistic and suspicious for those people whom we does not know physically and mentally yet gives concern to us and we can only appreciate their goodness if something happened in good reasons.So be welcome and appreciate kindness.

  4. i want to play me vs 5 bots, what are the console commads? can anyone share?

  5. i want to play me vs 5 bots, what are the console commads? can anyone share?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.
